Our Gift to Garry Wade—Whose Joy is Photographing Insects
Photographed by Garry Using Natural Light
Beach Club Cafe, Sandyport, Nassau, Bahamas
Honore de Balzac
Love has its own instinct, finding the way to the heart, as the feeblest insect
finds the way to its flower, with a will which nothing can dismay nor turn aside
Acknowledgements | My Love and Gratitude

When it came to writing these acknowledgements, I thought of what Sting once said about love:

Before...I would have used the word love to separate what I love from everything I don't love—us not them, heroes from villains, friend from foe—everything in life separated and distinct, like walled cities or hilltop fortresses jealously guarding their hoard of separateness.

Now all is swamped in this tidal wave of energy which grounds the skies to the earth so that every particle of matter in and around me is vibrant with significance. Everything around me seems in a state of grace and eternal.

I don’t want to leave anyone out, to have anyone in my life feeling less special or separate as a result of these acknowledgments. I am deeply grateful to every person who has helped me shape my being and my love for life.

So to all, I offer the ancient Hawaiian Ho'oponopono mantra of reconciliation and forgiveness:

I love you
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you

In Addition, I Offer My Love and My Gratitude:

To Greg Bates and Janey Whelan—my dear friends whose love of life inspired the creation of the
companion book to this website.

To Donald and Adrienne Henry—my ever-loving parents who inspired my love for life.

To Marta Balducci and our sons—Chris, Kirk and Donald, and to Rosemary Beckett, Janna Bell,
Omar Brunette, Bob Craig, Sharon Daniels, Steve Dunlop, Brian Henry, Michael Mayell, Simon Small
and Garry Wade—for your deep and abiding love and for the inspiration and the inputs I received
from each of you in the creation of this website and its companion book.

To my extended New Zealand and American families—my brothers and sisters, my friends and loved ones, my design and business partners, my clients, and my teachers—for believing in me, loving me, for touching my heart and for putting me in the privileged position of being able to create a website such as this.

To all of the authors, artists, architects, designers, songwriters, poets, business leaders, journalists,
and great beings whose creative works have inspired this book and guided me in the art of being and

And finally to:


The Garzaroli family for allowing us to shoot many of the portraits at their incredible Graycliff Hotel
and Restaurant property. With parts of the Graycliff property dating back to 1666, Graycliff is an oasis
permeated with a deep sense of history. It stands as a symbol of tradition and excellence boasting
the ultimate in quality and service. By way of example, there are over 250,000 bottles in Graycliff’s
award winning wine cellar.



Cafe Matisse for allowing us to shoot two of my favorite portraits at the Cafe. You have to go to Cafe
Matisse and experience how unique and special it is for yourself. Marta’s parents eat there every
Wednesday night—a high compliment from two of the world’s most well known gourmets. It’s old
world charm, its amazing personal service and its wonderful menu insure that Cafe Matisse is regularly voted the #1 restaurant in Nassau.

With love and gratitude to all,

—Gerald Henry


Garry Wade has been my design partner for over 10 years. This is the first time I have been in front of his camera rather than behind it, directing. It must be said that I am an ordinary person who has alwaysfelt inadequate in front of any camera. Using his incredible gifts as an artist, Garry swept all my feelings of unworthiness away, shooting the extraordinary series of portraits that enabled the creation of this website and its companion book. I am thankful to Garry for opening my being up to another level during this shoot.

Garry Wade—In Character. On Location.
Photographed by Gerald Henry
Paradise Island, Nassau, Bahamas


Sharon Daniels has been my design partner and dearest friend for over 17 years. When we were working on this portraitsofalife.com website — it was Sharon who said, “This should be turned into a book.” Together, we took this website content, adapted it and added to it. As you can see by this website, Sharon is an extraordinary designer with "Occhio Fino" — a fine eye. I am thankful to Sharon for the creativity and love she has brought to my life.


Steve Dunlop and I have been design partners for over 30 years. We have operated globally for over 25 of those years. In my experience, Steve is one of the best designers in the world and I feel honored to have Steve’s illustrations and design inputs in this website and its companion book. I am thankful to Steve for his loving friendship and the manner in which can just sit together and come up with winning designs for some of the biggest brands in the world.